Sunday, November 23, 2014

Brenna's Podcast Adventure's Ep 13-Storytime

. Hey gang, I'm back again,,this time I'm going to do some reading for you. Thanks for listening and enjoy the show!

Episode 51: New and Improved Less Filling With No Bitter Aftertaste!

The show has returned with Jesse and Crackhouse at the helm. Don't worry though, the show still goes off the tracks quite a few times. This week, Onyx Hades is the special guest as we discuss pet peeves and most embarrasing moments. We also have a run-in by a hat wearing bastard. All this plus talk of Steelers football, muds and stolen mail on this week's episode of IHYF!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

ep 50 "The Big F.U."

Self explanatory.

Ep 49-"Damnit Felix

"- It's short story time gang. Enjoy!

Ep 48-Swimy, Swamy, Swomy, Samsonite"

- Alas, it has happened, this time round we talk about Dumb and Dumber. It's not all about the rice and eggrolls either. Gersh is leaving.....dont get excited ya jerk's, he will be back in a few months. Jesseth and Matt are taking the reigns. Dueces bitches!!!

Ep 47- "Twister 2014"

Oh boy, another somewhat solo show, this time though i enlisted the help of my favorite spice drop to join me. I talk Into The Storm, the town drunks haunted tillies are discussed, Shareth makes a special appearance and it happen's,,,,finally,,,,,,,we capture the ghost of the bandit's famous laugh. Keep calm, this is not a test, therefore we advise you to drink on.

Ep 46-"Random Ass Shit"

Well, we had a topic at one point. We hit on it..albeit it briefly,,,,but true to fashion, it get's way out of hand. Seriously, it does. Hang on tight.....might not want to eat before listening.

Ep 45"Spice Drop, Buttercup, The Town Drunk and Earthquake".

Walk into a bar, stop me if you've heard this one................anyway Ianeth and i watched The Purge 2 Anarchy, adn let me tell ya, it's pretty crappy. Then, the hooligans over at Horrorcopia hi jack th eshow for random nonsense. The most important lesson learned here is that Anti-Sematic jokes are okay only if told by the person that speaks out against them. Toooooooooooooooot Toooooooooooooooooooooooot

Ep 44-"Oop's I Did It Again".

Ah yes, Halloween time. Candy, costume's, ghouls and goblin's. This time around, Jesseth, Ianeth, and Gersheth share fond memories of childhood during Halloween. Whether it be at the receiving end of a beatdown, not once but twice by a haunted house, to being little jerk's and T.P'ing house's. One of us dressed up as a naughty school girl in their later years, one of us has taken on many wrestler personas, and the jerk of the bunch encountered quite a few unhappy people when he went dressed as a dead priest. Hope everyone has a safe and happy halloween. Word of advice, stay away from the town drunk's house, she has been known to give out free frosty gimmicks.